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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-4 | Issue-03
The impact of growing media and container size on the growth and development of Faidherbia albida seedlings
Dr. Hakim Araba Ameri, Daldoum M.A. Daldoum
Published: March 30, 2017 | 161 133
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2017.v04i03.002
Pages: 91-101
The experiment was carried out in the nursery which is located at Soba, 10 km south of Khartoum city (Sudan). Seeds of Faidherbia albida were obtained from Nuba Mountains collections, polythene tubes; small (10x20 cm), medium (10x30 cm) and large (20x40 cm) sizes were used in the experiment, filled with sand, silt and sand silt mixture. A total of 432 polythene tubes were used in the experiment; 144 tubes in each size category. 48 bags of each size category were filled with one type of soil; the experimental layout was then arranged in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD). Seeds treated with sulfuric acid were used for this experiment; seeds were sown in May 2008. All cultural practices were done during the first month after germination. In order to collect the growth data, four destructive samples of the seedlings at different growth stages were conducted, In every destructive sampling 4 seedlings were chosen at random from each soil type and container size. The shoot height, root length was measured. Then each part was weighed to obtain fresh and dry weight. These operations were executed successively in June (when seedlings age was 30 days), July, August, and September 2008. The soil types were physically and chemically analyze. The data obtained on the plant growth were analyzed by a PC computer. The final data were subjected to ANOVA test by a SAS program (SAS, 2004). The results have shown that F. albida seedling shoot height and weight growth, root length and weight growth increased in large polythene containers and decreased in the smaller containers with significant differences between the different container sizes.