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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-10 | Issue-02
Acute Intestinal Obstruction Due to a Foreign Body Migrated into the Abdomen after a Clandestine Abortion Almost 20 Years Ago
Dianessy Yély, Guiré Abdou, Samaké Moussa, Dembelé B. Souleymane, Yede, D. L. S, Thierno Nadio, Sacko Oumar, Koumaré Sekou, Ramos R. Yusimi
Published: Feb. 10, 2024 | 54 39
DOI: 10.36347/sasjs.2024.v10i02.006
Pages: 165-168
Acute intestinal obstruction caused by a foreign body is no longer a rare phenomenon, especially if the latter is found in the digestive tract. However, the migration of an extradigestive foreign body as a cause of obstruction is extremely rare. We report the case of a 60-year-old female patient seen urgently on September 5, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. at the District Hospital of Commune IV of Bamako with the diagnosis of acute intestinal obstruction. Intraoperatively we noted grélo-uterine, grélo-sigmoid adhesions and bands tying the terminal ileum with significant intestinal dilatation upstream without signs of necrosis. Also a foreign body (tubing of a serum infuser) rigid curved of approximately 40 cm was located between the loop. The procedures performed were: adhesiolysis, sectioning of the flanges, extraction of the foreign body, toileting and installation of a Redon drain in the Douglas cul de sac. The in-depth postoperative questioning revealed a notion clandestine abortion in 2003 by a nurse in a country in the sub-region, leaving an infusion tube in place for a few hours. And she was supposed to go in the next day for a check-up, but she didn't show up. Our medical team reviewed the ASP image where we noted in addition to the central hydroaeric levels, an inverted U-shaped image of a foreign body (infuser tubing) going from the left hypochondrium to the left iliac fossa. confirming the diagnosis intraoperatively. The postoperative course was simple. The patient returned home on postoperative day 5.