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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-8 | Issue-07
Estimation of Stature from the Length of Index Finger (2DL) and Ring Finger (4DL) in Nepalese Adults
Abhishek Karn, Shivendra Jha, Amshu Pradhan, Bishal Joshi
Published: July 8, 2020 | 280 247
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2020.v08i07.007
Pages: 1673-1678
Establishing the identity of an individual in cases of mass disasters or when dismembered body parts are found is one of the significant Forensic investigations. Stature is a very important factor helping identity establishment in all cases of identification. With the aim to help cases of forensic identification, this study attempts to estimate the stature of an adult Nepalese from the length of index finger (2DL) and the ring finger (4DL). The study was carried out on a randomly selected cross sectional sample of 250 adult Nepalese students of third and fourth year MBBS and BDS studying in Universal College of Medical Sciences Teaching Hospital (UCMSTH), Bhairahawa, Nepal. Stature, left and right 2DL and 4DL were measured and statistically analyzed. Pearson’s correlation coefficient was computed and Simple Linear Regression equations were derived to estimate stature from left and right 2DL and 4DL. The mean stature (171.06 cm) of males exceeds the mean stature (160.67 cm) of females. The Pearson correlation was higher between left and right 2DL and stature in males (Left 2DL r = 0.7 and Right 2DL r = 0.64) whereas it was higher between left and right 4DL in females (Left 4DL r = 0.8 and Right 4DL r = 0.8). Linear regression equations were derived for estimating stature in males and females from their left and right 2DL and 4DL. Scatter diagrams were plotted to see the association between the variables. Stature and body parts ratio being a population specific trait, we formulated simple linear regression equations to ascertain stature from 2DL and 4DL in Nepalese population.