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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-8 | Issue-07
Health Factors Associated with Antenatal Care among Women in Rural Bangladesh
Fakhria Alam, Gulnar Begum, Md. Alauddin
Published: July 12, 2020 | 340 209
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2020.v08i07.011
Pages: 1696-1700
Introduction: One of the MDG5 tactical goals is to improve access to prenatal and postpartum programs that effectively reduce the morbidities associated with postpartum maternal health. Proper antenatal care is a very few of the pillars of Harmless Motherhood Initiatives, an international effort thrown by the World Health Organization (WHO) and other cooperating agencies in 1987 intended to lessen the quantity of deaths related to pregnancy and childbirth. Aim of the Study: the aim of this study is to identify the factors associated with antenatal care among women in rural area. Material & Methods: This is a cross sectional study conducted in the department of Obstetrics & Gynecology of 250 bedded General Hospital, Jamalpur, Bangladesh during the period from January 2018 to December 2018. A total number of 174 ever-married reproductive aged women with at least one child were selected for this study. In this study the method of direct interview was used for data collection. Attention was given to record factual and true statement made by the respondents. The fieldwork was commenced on from 1st November 2016 and was completed 10th February 2018. Results: Age range of the study participants were from 16 to below 40 years, where almost half of the respondents (44.82%) were aged 20-24 years, 10.91% were aged <=19 years and only 8.04% are aged <40 years. The socio-demographic characteristics of the study participants shows, majority (60.92%) were aged between 16-19 years at the time of their marriage, and 39.65% of the total participants were aged between 18-20 years at their first delivery; 72.41% have one child; 82.76% of the total participants were from rural area and the rest 17.24% were from urban area. Of the total patient 87.94% have currently used contraceptive and 74.13% have previously used contraceptive; majority (33.9%) had been on oral pill, 32.18% were using condoms, and 25.31% had no adopted methods; no. of antenatal visits shows that, 82.7% ...............