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Scholars Journal of Medical Case Reports | Volume-12 | Issue-03
Ranula Plunging Cervical Approach a Case Report
Daysi León Sanguano, Christian Jara Santamaria, Gabriela Orbe Reyes, Edwin Steven Alarcón Herrera, Paula Odaly Herrera Genovese, Cristian Antonio Taco Santillán, Andrea Carolina Alexander Ortega, Dani
Published: March 4, 2024 | 104 109
DOI: 10.36347/sjmcr.2024.v12i03.003
Pages: 247-251
Background: Ranulas are pseudocystic lesions resulting from an obstruction or disruption of the sublingual gland duct. They may be of congenital origin or occur secondary to immunological disorders, sialolithiasis, trauma or tumor lesions. The symptoms they cause may be pain or difficulty when speaking or swallowing. Treatment is removal or sclerosis of the pseudocyst. In the present work we present the case of a teenage patient with a ranula that extends to the right submandibular region. A cervicotomy was indicated that allowed the total resection of the ranula simultaneously with the sublingual and submandibular glands without affecting the hypoglossal and marginal nerves mandibular or lingual.