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SAS Journal of Medicine | Volume-10 | Issue-03
Case Report: The Diaphragmatic Hernia: A Rare Cause of Intestinal Obstruction
S. Naimi, S. Faiz, Y. Bouktib, A. Elhejjami, B. Boutakioute, M. Ouali Idrissi, N. Cherif Idrissi El Ganouni
Published: March 15, 2024 | 199 172
DOI: 10.36347/sasjm.2024.v10i03.010
Pages: 193-195
We present the case of a 22-year-old patient, with congenital diaphragmatic hernia, diagnosed at an advanced stage due to an occlusive syndrome observed on the CT scan, revealing colonic distension upstream of a strangulated Bochdalek's diaphragmatic hernia. The patient underwent laparotomy, where the hernia was reduced, and the diaphragmatic rupture was closed. The purpose of this article is to highlight a rare cause of intestinal obstruction, which is strangulated diaphragmatic hernia, when the diagnosis and detection of complications are confirmed through CT scan, allowing for early management.