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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-9 | Issue-11
A Review on Routing Over Low Power and Lossy Networks Wireless Sensor Network
Dr. Vadivel G, Dr. Amanpreet Kaur, Er. Jaspreet Kaur, Er. Sanju Kumari
Published: Dec. 30, 2021 | 131 116
DOI: 10.36347/sjet.2021.v09i11.006
Pages: 283-267
LLNs stand for the building block for the ever-growing IoT that organize the Routing Protocol for RPL as a source routing strategy. RPL, at the side of different routing protocols, depends on Trickle algorithmic rule as a mechanism for dominant and maintaining the routing traffic frequency. The strength of Trickle has been accepted in terms of energy consumption and measurability. However, totally different settings of Trickle parameters have an effect on otherwise the routing performance, energy consumption & network convergence time. Particularly, a net might be solely designed to own either lesser convergence time with high energy usage or the other way around exploitation Trickle. The paper presents Trickle-Plus as associate extended version of the Trickle algorithmic rule. Trickle-Plus will increase the snap of the protocol, facultative the network configuration among secure optimality for each convergence time and energy consumption.