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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-8 | Issue-07
Evaluate the Effectiveness of Serum Magnesium Level in Patients with Newly Diagnosed Acute Leukemia
Dr. Md. Abdul Kader Zilani, Dr. Jannatul Ferdous, Dr. Mohammad Nurul Islam Khan, Dr. Masuda Begum, Dr. Sushanta Kumar Barman, Dr. Showrab Biswas
Published: July 18, 2020 | 289 192
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2020.v08i07.015
Pages: 1716-1721
Background: Acute leukaemia is a clonal malignant disorder affecting all age groups. It is characterized by the accumulation of immature blast cells in the bone marrow. This results in bone marrow failure, reflected by peripheral blood cytopenias and circulating blast cells. In most cases the etiology is not obvious, but internal and external factors associated with damage to DNA can predispose to acute leukaemia. Objective: In this study our main goal is to evaluate the effectiveness of serum magnesium level in patients with newly diagnosed acute leukemia. Method: This Observational cross-sectional study was done at Department of Haematology, BSMMU, Dhaka from September 2016 to August 2017. During the study period of total 85 patients were enrolled for the study. Results: Most of the patient’s age was found 36.17(±19.15) years, majority age group was found 10-40 years of age which was (62.4%). Regarding gender 55% were found male and 45% were found female and educational status 45(54.12%) were primary level, 21(24.71%) were SSC, 5(5.88%) were HSC and 07(8.24%). Majority (60%) of the patients were found married. Majority 59% of the patients came from poor class socioeconomic status followed by 40% were came from middle class socioeconomic status. Regarding occupational status 33(38.82%) were house wife, 10(11.76%) were day laborer, 12(14.12%) were farmer and 19(22.35%) was student. Regarding acute leukemia majority 60(70.6%) were found AML and 25(29.4%) ALL. Conclusion: From our result we can conclude that, significantly lower serum magnesium level was found in newly diagnosed acute leukemia patients. Among them significantly lower in ALL patients than AML patients. Half of the acute leukemia patients were found hypomagnesaemia.