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SAS Journal of Medicine | Volume-5 | Issue-09
Waste Management Practices among Residents of Umuowa Community Orlu L.G.A
Vincent CC, Nwosu DC, Nwanjo HU, Dike- Ndudim JN, Offorbuzo FC
Published: Sept. 21, 2019 |
DOI: 10.36347/SASJM.2019.v05i09.002
Pages: 135-141
The aim of the study was to investigate waste management practices among residents of Umuowa Community, Orlu
L.G.A. waste management is the collection, transport, processing or disposing, managing and monitoring of waste
materials. Four objectives and four research questions guided this study. The design used for the study is a crosssectional descriptive survey, target population of the study is 960 as distributed fathers, mothers, youths who live
permanently in Umuowa Community. The sample size for the study was 282 statistically determined by Taro Yamene
formula. Sampling technique used for the study is a simple random sampling technique. The instrument used for data
collection is questionnaire. The result showed that a large number (90%) of the residents are aware of waste
management and have knowledge in various methods of waste disposal. Majority of the residents 275 (95.52%)
affirmed that proper waste disposal can better the health of the community, yet they have poor waste management
practices. It was discovered that the most prevalent method of disposal is open dumping as 279 (99%) of the
respondents practice open dumping, followed by burning, this pollutes the environment. The researcher made the
following recommendations; Government should formulate a policy on proper waste management in rural areas.
Government should also make adequate efforts to provide means of waste collection and disposal in rural areas.