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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-8 | Issue-07
Epidemiology and Clinical Characteristics of Patients with Glaucoma in a Hospital Based Population in Central India
Dr. Sonalee Mittal, Dr. Dinesh Mittal
Published: July 18, 2020 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2020.v08i07.016
Pages: 1722-1728
Purpose: To assess Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of Glaucoma patients in 1345 patients seen at Drishti The Vision Eye Hospital between January 2018 to December 2019. Materials and Methods: Medical charts of patients with Primary Open‑Angle Glaucoma (POAG), Primary Angle Closure Glaucoma (PACG), and Secondary Glaucoma (SG) were reviewed. The main outcome measures of patients with Glaucoma included Basic Demographic Data (Age at Presentation, Gender, and Residence), Clinical Characteristics (Vision, Intraocular Pressure, Fundus Photographs and Visual Fields), and Previous History (Diabetes Mellitus, Injury, Hypertension, Cardiovascular Disease, Smoking, and use of Alcohol). Results: Data from 1345 Glaucoma patients were reviewed, of which POAG, PACG and SG patients accounted for 40% (538 patients) and 44% (592 patients) and16% (215 patients) respectively. Female Gender, Age, Cardiovascular Disease, and Hypertension were associated with PACG. POAG was related to Family History, Myopia and Age. There was Positive Correlation between SG and history of Injury and Diabetes Mellitus. In the Secondary Glaucoma Subgroup, 33 subjects had Aphakia,23 had Pseudophakia, 51 Corneo Iridic Scar, 27 had Uveitic Glaucoma, 33 eyes had Post Traumatic Glaucoma and 35 eyes had Neovascular Glaucoma,15 eyes Secondary to uncontrolled Diabetes Mellitus and 17 eyes Secondary to untreated Ischaemic CRVO and 8 eyes had long history of use of Steroids. Conclusion: PACG and POAG are almost prevalent equally in this part of country. We recommend Applanation Tonometry, Gonioscopy, Disc Evaluation, and Perimetry should be incorporated in the Detection Protocol for Glaucoma.