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Cross-Currents: An International Peer-Reviewed Journal on Humanities & Social Sciences | Volume-10 | Issue-02
Historical Strength and Clarification of Conflicting Views in the Application of Multicultural-Bilingual Mechanisms in Diversities for the Promotion of Nation-Building towards Effective Emergence of Cameroon in the 21st Century
Prof. Njuafac Kenedy Fonju
Published: March 27, 2024 | 161 157
DOI: 10.36344/ccijhss.2024.v10i02.003
Pages: 35-57
This paper deals with the historical strength and goes further to bring out different views and interpretation of what entails effective mechanisms in the reaching the desire emergence of a Nation-State with the respect of relevant applicable natural patterns and cultural stance. It brings out examples from different continents and specific countries which have undergone are still facing the challenges of their natural multicultural and bilingual settings like Cameroon. It is clear that recent misinterpretation of the country’s natural diversity relations to various ethnic groups with cultural differentiation was fabricated by the colonial masters of the territory as well as in other part of Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe when looking at the situation of both minorities and majorities in terms of the population which were placed under alien subjugation, domination, hegemony, torturing, slavery, intimidation, extra-judicial killings including massacred, slaughtering and corporal punishment. However, some citizens still believe that these issues are of multiculturalism, bilingualism and multilingualism are only political slogans which are having no place in the emergence of Cameroon. At the same time, historical truth and objectivity have proven that other countries successfully walk their way out of such conflicting views and misinterpretations by consolidating them as pertinent advantages towards nation-building and emergence of their countries in different sectors of the economy. In fact, Africans were never consulted for the partitioned of the Continent, nor invited in the mapping of their frontiers with arbitrary demarcation of the existing boundaries. To those effects, people of the same or similar cultural affinities were forced to remain where the European decided either within the same national territory or as new colonial territories. This did not however reject the idea of reunified or unification which Cameroon used this opportunity to once more .......