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Cross-Currents: An International Peer-Reviewed Journal on Humanities & Social Sciences | Volume-10 | Issue-02
Typologies of Illustrative Traumatizing Images of African Youths Migratory Pathways in Search of Voluntary Slavery Cutting Across South American Continent Attempting to Reach North American Continent 2000-2021
Prof. Njuafac Kenedy Fonju
Published: March 27, 2024 | 190 138
DOI: 10.36344/ccijhss.2024.v10i02.004
Pages: 58-81
In order to face the realities of things and making African youths to be aware of the danger between life and death in search of extra- continental greener pastures, we deemed it necessary to bring out substantial images which communicate more visibly. Seeing just those different photos of the Darien Gap crossing between 2000 and 2021 are enough evidence to orientate those still having high ambitions to harass their parents to sell the lonely family properties to facilitate their way about through Southern American jungle forested zones where death awaits them. In fact, imagine that a child who was born in town, spent all his life there and have never everyone to the farm with the parents nor claiming a hilly road route of 2km will then decide to embark on a journey of more than 90 km in the most thickest dangerous forest for two weeks or months of hard trekking. Taking into consideration the rate of criminalities practices in the forested zones, the types of wide animals inhabited, crossing deep rivers without bridges, entering inside thick mud which reaches the level of the knees, carrying little babies and having no food nor good sources of drinking water on the way… the end results is tantamount to pre-mature death. The tilapias of the Forest Rivers have so far been enjoying the fleshes of African youths who have their ill-lucks from crossing the deep rivers for they cannot swarm well to survive. The few whom successfully crossed and reaching the final destinations of North American Continent of the United States and Canada still suffer from social challenges of civilized torturing mechanisms and all forms of racial discrimination. The existing towns and conditions of life or surviving are somehow unbearable to some of those clandestine immigrants in their own degree of the Diaspora ship. This enable us to know where the Darien Gap is located which have taking the life of many African youths through their clandestine, irregular or undocumented migration ........