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SAS Journal of Medicine | Volume-10 | Issue-04
Prevalence and Effect of Computer Vision Syndrome during COVID-19: among Bangladeshi People
Shahed Haider Chowdhury, Dr. Mahfuza Pathan, Dr. Khondoker Ehsanul Arefin, Prof. Dr. Deen Mohd. Noorul Huq
Published: April 3, 2024 |
DOI: 10.36347/sasjm.2024.v10i04.001
Pages: 204-211
Background: Global pandemic has devastated almost every aspect of life. "Spatial distancing" involves creating and maintaining safe social distance, shifting the world away from public locations and toward isolation. Remote working has become a demand in these historically unique times, and technology is a need for human life as a link to the outside world. People use technology to interact, communicate, and complete activities. Online meetings, audio and video conferencing, and leisure activities like online gaming, blogging, and social networking have virtualized human interaction, leading to a rapid digitalization of human life. The increased usage of video display terminals (VDTs) predisposes to a range of problems. Digital eye strain (DES) or computer vision syndrome (CVS) refers to a group of health disorders that include not only visual issues but also musculoskeletal issues. Objective: The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence of CVS and to examine the use of digital screens, common symptoms, and related variables. The findings could in the future provide vital, detailed health information to all online users. Methods and Materials: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted from 1st July to 31st December, 2021. A total of 429 people participated in the study and majority of the participants were students and teachers involved in digital class rooms for academic purposes. A survey questionnaire was distributed on social media channels. Regular users of digital screens were provided with Google forms through social media. It includes both a questionnaire and an informed consent form. Results: Out of 429 participants in, 59.9% were females and 36.13% males. The maximum age group were from between 18-27, 58.9%, while the least were from 58 and above, 2%. The major digital screen platforms used by them were smartphone/tablet, 97.9%, television, 70.8% and computer laptop, 66.8%. The utilization of digital screens was categorized under ..........