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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-10 | Issue-04
Laryngomucocele: A Case Report and Literature Review
Arioua Abdelilah, Afellah Mohamed, Bouhlala Anouar, Oudidi Abdelatif, Naouar Ouattassi, Mohamed Ridal, Najib Benmansour, Mohammed Noureddine EL Alami El Amine
Published: April 4, 2024 |
DOI: 10.36347/sasjs.2024.v10i04.003
Pages: 413-418
Laryngocele is a rare benign affection characterized by the abnormal dilatation of the laryngeal saccule or Morganii ventricle. Laryngocele can be classified as internal, external and mixed (both). Many laryngoceles are asymptomatic; Sometimes it is presented as cervical swelling causing airway obstruction in need of emergency intervention. Computed tomography scan is the most effective imaging method for diagnosis. Surgery is the treatment of choice. We are reporting a case of laryngocele in 50-year-old male, who presented a recent dysphonia and solid dysphagia, along with an anterior cervical mass. The diagnosis of laryngocele was confirmed by radiology and laryngoscopy. The patient was operated by cervical approach with a good evolution. In the following article, we discuss the establishment of the diagnosis and we review clinical and therapeutic characteristics of various types of laryngoceles.