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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-10 | Issue-04
Testicular Migration Anomalies in Children AT GABRIEL TOURE CHU: About 52 Cases
Doumbia A, Amadou I, Coulibaly O, Kamate B, Daou M B, Djire M K, Coulibaly Y
Published: April 5, 2024 | 112 125
DOI: 10.36347/sasjs.2024.v10i04.006
Pages: 432-434
Introduction: Testicular migration anomaly (TMA) is the most common malformative syndromic entity of the genital organs in male children. It affects 2 to 5% of full-term children and 30% of premature babies as well as newborns with low birth weight (≤ 2500 g). We carried out this work with the objectives of studying the clinical and therapeutic aspect of testicular migration abnormalities. Patients and Method: A retrospective study of a series of 52 cases carried out in the pediatric surgery department at CHU Gabriel Touré over a period of 5 years from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2019. All male patients aged 0 to 15 are included. having an isolated or associated congenital undescended testicle. Results: This is a series of 52 patients, an incidence of 10.4 cases per year. The average age was 3.15 years with a range of 0 to 14 years. Scrotal emptiness was the reason for consultation in 44.2% of cases. Abdominal pain was found in 9.6% of patients. Scrotal vacuity was bilateral in 59.6% of cases. Bilateral undescended testicles were an element of a poly malformation syndrome in 30.8%. A urethral meatus in a posterior position was found in 5.7% of cases. The mass was palpable on the right in 17.3% of cases. The masses were palpable bilaterally in 17.3% of cases. The mass was palpable on the left in 11.5% of cases. An inguinoscrotal ultrasound was performed in 50% of patients. The operated patients were 67.3% of cases. The inguinal approach was performed in 74.2% of patients. A 1-stage orchidopexy was performed in 60% of our patients. Operated patients who had a testicle in the right inguinal region represented 31.4% of cases. Testicular atrophy was found in 40% of patients. The result was favorable 6 months after the intervention in 82.8% of patients. Conclusion: Testicular migration anomalies present a multitude of clinical pictures depending on whether they are palpable or not, congenital or acquired, isolated or secondary to a malformative pathology, and ........