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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-8 | Issue-07
Multiple Intracranial Meningiomas - A Case Report
Nanda Patil, Purva Mayekar, Nitesh Nasre
Published: July 24, 2020 | 284 202
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2020.v08i07.025
Pages: 1779-1781
Meningiomas are benign tumors, accounting for 13- 20% of all primary central nervous systems tumors. Multiple meningiomas are rare and the term is used for more than one meningioma occurring in several intracranial locations without signs of neurofibromatosis. The prognosis of multiple intracranial meningiomas is similar to benign solitary meningioma. We present a rare case of multiple intracranial meningiomas in a 45 years old female patient.