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SAS Journal of Medicine | Volume-5 | Issue-09
Self-Medication Practice among Student Nurses in Madonna University Elele, Campus Rivers State
Vincent CC, Peterson DU, Ogbugo CB, Nwagwu Solomon AJ, Nwokike GI and Ogoke OJ
Published: Sept. 21, 2019 | 205 539
DOI: 10.36347/SASJM.2019.v05i09.003
Pages: 142-149
The study determined the self-medication practice among student nurses in Madonna University Elele Campus. The aim of the study was to ascertain the extent or level of self-medication practice among student nurses in Madonna University Elele, Campus. Descriptive survey method was used and Dorathy Orem’s self-care theory adopted. The study population comprises of 166 student nurses. After the distribution of the questionnaire 140 out of 166 student nurses returned their questionnaire. From the result of the study, it was discovered that 100 (71.5%) of the respondents understood self-medication as the use of drugs without medical prescription and supervision, 20(14.3%) of the respondents understood it to be the use of drugs to treat symptoms of illness, 10(7.1%) of the respondents understood self-medication to be use of drugs with regards to knowledge of such drugs, 10(7.1%) of the respondents understood self-medication to be use of medication as prophylaxis to illness, The reason why the respondents self-medicate was that, they considered the disease as being minor. 50(35.7%) of the respondents reported that they self-medicate often, 20(14.3%) rarely, 5(3.5%) never while 65(46.5%) practice self-medication whenever sick. While 20(14.3%) of the respondents claimed not to have experience any side effect. The effect they experienced was described to be life threatening. Finally recommendations were made and one of it is that government through the ministry of health should monitor the activities of patient drug dealers.