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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-11 | Issue-02
Soil Fertility Evaluation of Wheat /Alfalfa Intercropping
Wang Yu-hui, Wu Qiong, Zhang Xiao-hong
Published: April 18, 2024 | 118 221
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2024.v11i02.002
Pages: 16-20
Perfect evaluation of soil fertility is the basis of constructing crop fertilization scheme. In this paper, principal component analysis, systematic cluster analysis and diagnosis of soil nutrient abundance-deficiency were used to evaluate the soil fertility of wheat/alfalfa intercropping system. The results of soil fertility evaluation showed that the soil fertility of wheat/alfalfa intercropping was higher than that of exclusive alfalfa, but lower than single wheat's. Diagnosis of soil nutrient abundance-deficiency indicate that the soil total nitrogen and available nitrogen were deficient, the soil total potassium and available phosphorus were moderate, but the soil total phosphorus and available potassium were abundant. The study results means that the system should focus on nitrogen fertilizer inputting and the controlling of the distribution amount of potassium fertilizer.