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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-12 | Issue-04
Instrumentalism, Utilitarianism, Arts Entrepreneurship, and Digital Cosmopolitanism as a Global Perspective of Indonesian Emerging Artists
Aditya Nirwana, Imam Mukhlis, F. Danardana Murwani, Didit Prasetyo Nugroho
Published: April 20, 2024 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2024.v12i04.004
Pages: 134-146
In particular, rare scientific-academic studies still attempt to investigate the problems artists face in Indonesia. However, that does not mean that art in Indonesia runs without problems; artists encounter many challenges in carrying out their careers, Starting from the issue of respect for the profession of artists, lack of art facilities, violations of freedom of work by the ruler, to economic problems that until now have become typical problems. Through literature study, this paper will explore what is happening in the mainstream modern art arena and initiate concepts or strategies for Indonesian emerging artists to be more independent, sustainable, and emancipatory. From the construct of arguments and ideas, we obtained a model of 4 layers of art practice: 1) Instrumentalism, 2) Utilitarianism, 3) Arts Entrepreneurship, and 4) Digital Cosmopolitanism. The first two values become the artist's or "internal attitudes." At the same time, the last two represent an "external attitude" towards the work already created and how the artist takes the work from the reality of individual artistic experience to social reality (the social world).