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SAS Journal of Medicine | Volume-10 | Issue-05
Open Dislocated Interphalangeal Fracture of the Thumb in a 16-Year-Old Basketball Player
Hassan Zeddouk, Yassine Saadi, Moncef Boufettal, Rida-Allah Bassir, Jalal Mekkaoui, Fekhaoui Mohammed reda, Mohammed Saleh Berrada, Mohammed Kharmaz
Published: May 4, 2024 | 157 118
DOI: 10.36347/sasjm.2024.v10i05.004
Pages: 319-322
Phalangeal dislocation fractures of the hand are common in the sports world especially contact sports and ball sports. Open ones are less common. In this article we report a case of a 16-year-old young basketball player who injured her right thumb during a practice. Clinical and radiological examinations showed an open phalangeal dislocation fracture of the thumb. Management consisted of immediate reduction, abundant washing and finger splint for 4 weeks after X-rays showed anatomical reduction. Short, medium and long term clinical and radiological examinations showed good evolution. At our last follow up (1.5 years) our patient had regained full use of her hand in both daily and sporting activities. The purpose of this study is to encourage non operative treatment in dislocated fractured fingers when treated early if the initial external reduction is anatomical, and to show the need for further studies in similar cases in the sport world.