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Scholars Journal of Medical Case Reports | Volume-12 | Issue-05
The Shrinking Lung Syndrome or Retracted Lung Syndrome During Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: About Two Cases
M. El Hassnaoui, H. Loukili, Y. Bouktib, A. El Hajjami, B. Boutakioute, M. Ouali Idrissi, N. Cherif Idrissi Gannouni
Published: May 16, 2024 | 32 24
DOI: 10.36347/sjmcr.2024.v12i05.035
Pages: 722-725
The shrinking lung syndrome represents an uncommon complication associated with systemic autoimmune diseases, primarily systemic lupus ery the matosus, but also Sjögren's syndrome and polymyositis. It is a condition that should be considered in any patient with an autoimmune disease presenting unexplained dyspnea. This syndrome is characterized by reduced lung volumes, elevation of the diaphragm, and restrictive physiology without significant parenchymal involvement. The article emphasizes the crucial role of thoracic CT in the diagnosis of the shrinking lung syndrome. Thoracic CT plays an essential role in identifying characteristic radiological signs such as pulmonary atelectasis and elevation of the diaphragmatic domes. These specific radiological features significantly contribute to confirming the diagnosis by excluding other potential causes of dyspnea, notably pulmonary embolism.