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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-12 | Issue-04
Common Childhood Illnesses: Diagnosis and Treatment of Asthma, Allergies, and Ear Infections
Ibrahim Ismail Ibrahim Alfaqih, Ahmad Mahmoud Abdelhafez Awad
Published: May 31, 2024 | 218 138
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2024.v12i04.007
Pages: 99-103
Ear infections, allergies, and asthma are prevalent childhood ailments that can greatly impair a child's well-being and overall quality of life. This page provides a comprehensive discussion of various prevalent diseases, including their etiology, manifestations, and the treatment options now accessible. Asthma is a persistent respiratory condition marked by wheezing, difficulty breathing, and coughing. A diagnosis is obtained by conducting physical examinations, reviewing medical histories, and administering lung function testing. Treatments consist of prescription medicines and modifications in lifestyle. Allergies are immunological reactions to harmless chemicals, which can manifest as symptoms such as sneezing, rashes, and pruritus. Gathering an allergy test and medical history are essential components of the diagnosis process. The available therapies include medication, allergy avoidance, and immunotherapy. Otitis infections are characterized by ear pain and the presence of fluid drainage. These infections are identified with the use of otoscopy, which involves examining the ear canal and eardrum, as well as by considering the patient's medical history. Tympanostomy tubes, antibiotics, pain medication, or observation are among the treatment options for recurrent occurrences. Early identification and intervention of these problems are imperative to enhance outcomes and promote a vibrant and robust childhood.