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SAS Journal of Medicine | Volume-5 | Issue-09
Influence of Diabetes on the Prognosis of Acute Coronary Syndrome
M. A Raouah, A. Chetoui, L. Bendriss, A. Khatouri
Published: Sept. 30, 2019 |
DOI: 10.36347/SASJM.2019.v05i09.007
Pages: 169-172
Coronary heart disease (CAD) is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality among diabetic patients. The aim of our
study was to analyze the prognosis of the CAD among these patients. This is a retrospective, descriptive and
comparative study over a period of 6 years, from 2011 to 2016; with a total of 386 patients admitted for acute coronary
syndrome including 197 diabetic and 186 non diabetic. We compared the epidemiological, clinical, angiographic and
therapeutic data for both groups, and analyzed their prognosis. The average age was comparable between the two
groups (57.6 for the diabetic versus 58.6 year for non-diabetic). Diabetic patients have more comorbidity with a higher
frequency of hypertension (39.3% versus 24.2%), dyslipidemia (83% versus 25.7%) and coronary heredity (7.8 %
versus 3.1 %). Left ventricular dysfunction was significantly higher in diabetics VG (53% versus 36 %). Coronary
angiography showed damage in three arteries was more common in the diabetes group (38 % versus 6.02%), while
single artery damage was more frequent in the non-diabetic group (65.06 % versus 37.69%). In the short term,
diabetics are at higher risk of developing left ventricular failure (27.8% versus 11%). The major cardiac event rate was
also higher in diabetics (4.1% vs 1%). A more severe prognosis was also found in the short term in the diabetic
population with a higher rate of recurrence of acute coronary syndrome (15% versus 7%). In sum, our work focuses on
the severity and poor prognosis of coronary artery disease in diabetic patients and its prevalence, which should lead to
the attention of health professional and officials on the epidemiological situation of this constantly increasing
phenomenon in Morocco.