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Ghana Alternative Medicine Journal | Volume-5 | Issue-02
Assessment of the Potential Epidemic Significance of the New Coronavirus Infection (COVID-19) and the Prevention Vaccine Based on the Materials of the Osh Region of the Kyrgyz Republic
Abdimomunova Begimai Toktobolotovna, T. T. Dautov, S. T. Zholdoshev
Published: June 11, 2024 | 189 136
DOI: 10.36347/gamj.2024.v05i02.004
Pages: 37-43
The article provides information about the epidemiological situation in the Osh region on COVID-19, assesses the effectiveness of vaccination in relation to the course of the disease, mortality. The typification of the side effect after immunization is given in order to evaluate the effectiveness of vaccination to rationalize the complex of preventive measures in the existing system of epidemiological surveillance. Materials and methods. Research methods retrospective epidemiological analysis, retrospective cohort study, statistical analysis using R software, specifically version 4.0.3 from the R Foundation for Statistical Computing. Statistical reporting data on morbidity from the website of the Department of State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance, and data from the register of vaccinated in the Southern region. Results and discussion. Osh region (102.2) is included in the territories with an average level of diseases, high mortality with high morbidity is the city of Osh: in 2020, 38 deaths from a total of 345 morbidity. The proportion of vaccinated persons in the Osh region is 50.2%, with the largest number of vaccines with Vero Cell (68%), followed by AZD-1222 (8.1%). The disease rate of fully vaccinated is less than 0.1%, partially vaccinated 21% and not vaccinated 46%, with the least (less than 1%) fatal outcome in fully and partially vaccinated. Conclusion. Given the rare adverse events resulting from the use of vaccines, continue booster vaccination among people.