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Scholars Journal of Economics, Business and Management | Volume-11 | Issue-06 Call for paper
A Comparative SWOT Analysis of Japan and Oman: Strategic Insights for Social and Economic Development
Mr. Bakhtawar Durrani, Dr Randolf Von N Salindo, Dr Gbenga Ekundayo, Dr Mohammad Irfan Rais, Mr. Mohammad Anwar Al Balushi
Published: June 11, 2024 | 61 41
DOI: 10.36347/sjebm.2024.v11i06.001
Pages: 180-191
This SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis compares the exports of two countries, Japan and Sultanate of Oman, across various sectors including intermediate goods, petroleum products, consumer goods, and machinery/transport equipment, for the year 2021. Japan, a global economic powerhouse known for its advanced technology and innovation, exhibits strengths in technological advancements, diverse product ranges, and strong export infrastructure across multiple sectors. However, it faces challenges such as high production costs, an aging workforce, and dependency on imports. On the other hand, Sultanate of Oman, while possessing strategic advantages such as its location and government support, faces limitations due to its relatively smaller industrial base, infrastructure constraints, and dependency on imports for certain sectors. Both countries have opportunities for growth, including market diversification, technological innovation, and regional integration. However, they also face threats such as intense global competition, economic uncertainty, and trade barriers. Understanding these factors is crucial for formulating effective strategies to enhance export competitiveness and economic growth for both Japan and Oman. Japan: Further, it continues investing in research and development to maintain a competitive edge in advanced technology sectors. Foster collaboration between industry and academia to drive innovation. Oman needs to promote technology transfer and partnerships with international firms to upgrade manufacturing capabilities and develop indigenous technological solutions.