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Scholars Journal of Medical Case Reports | Volume-12 | Issue-06
Pseudo-thrombocytopenia: A Comprehensive Overview with a Case Study of a 21-Year-Old Female with Non-Alcoholic Liver Disease
Dr Aminullah Zamani, Dr Abdullah Syed
Published: June 21, 2024 | 53 34
DOI: 10.36347/sjmcr.2024.v12i06.054
Pages: 1182-1184
Introduction: Pseudo-thrombocytopenia is a rare but significant laboratory phenomenon characterized by falsely low platelet counts due to in vitro platelet clumping. It poses challenges in clinical management as it can lead to unnecessary diagnostic evaluations and potentially inappropriate treatments. This condition is often identified during routine blood testing when automated analysers misinterpret clumped platelets as individual cells. Differential diagnosis from true thrombocytopenia is essential to prevent unnecessary interventions and ensure appropriate patient care. Management involves proper sample handling techniques and confirmatory testing using alternative anticoagulants like citrate. This abstract explores the pathophysiology, diagnostic challenges, and management strategies of pseudo-thrombocytopenia to guide clinical practitioners in its identification and differentiation from true thrombocytopenia. Case report: A 21-year-old female with a background history of non-alcoholic liver disease was found to have an exceptionally low platelet count of 8 × 10^9/L but had no signs of bleeding. Liver function tests and the rest of her CBC were normal. A blood film was requested showing platelet clumping, suggestive of pseudo-thrombocytopenia. Further unnecessary hematological investigations were therefore avoided. Conclusion: Pseudo-thrombocytopenia is a laboratory artifact that can be mistaken for true thrombocytopenia. Understanding its etiology, mechanism, and diagnostic approaches is essential for healthcare providers. Correct identification of this condition ensures accurate patient care and prevents unnecessary treatments.