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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-8 | Issue-09
Evaluation of Shape and Size of Sella Turcica Using Computerized Tomography in Saudi Populations
Hanan Elnour, Afrah Al-Otaibi, Maryam AL-Otaibi, Nourhan Arab, Rahaf AL- Thobaiti, Roaa Murad, Sara AL-Otaibi
Published: Sept. 17, 2020 | 134 90
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2020.v08i09.016
Pages: 2058-2063
This study design to measure the size and shape of normal Sella turcica, were samples chosen among individuals from adult Saudi populations aged 19-99 years. A total of 210 samples (125 males and 85females), and the data collected in period from August 2019 to February 2020. Anteroposterior dimension, length and depth of Sella turcica were measured in each case and find out three unique shapes; the circle shape represents 40.5% with 85 patients, the ovoid shape 42.4% with 89 patients while the flat shape 17.1% with 36 patients, measurements obtained from measuring of Sella turcica, were the mean ± standard deviation for age was 47.59 ± 20.289 years, length, Width, AP and volume of Sella turcica was 8.07 ± 2.06mm, 7.408±1.64 mm, 10.11±2.08mm and 339.52±203.69mm respectively. The mean length of sella turcica for male and female was 8.010 and 8.165 mm, the Width for male was 7.215 mm and for female 7.692 mm, AP diameter for male 10.050 and for female 10.193mm, the volume of sella turcica for male was 329.139 and for female 354.781mm, so there is no difference between male and females. There is linear correlation between age of study group and the measured parameters from 19- 99 years. Analysis of variance test show that there was no significant difference between the Sella measurements, for length and patients age, where the p-value was 0.285 and for Width, AP and volume the p.value was 0.222, 0.128 and 0.067 respectively. CT can be used to assess the Sella turcica, and further studies on how the dimensions of the Sella turcica are interrelated with pathological conditions should be conducted with the use of advanced imaging methods. Sella turcica dimensions of the Saudi population obtained by CT in this study can be used in estimating pituitary gland size and in determining any pathology in the seller and parasailer regions.