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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-10 | Issue-07
Oral Cavity Choristoma of Endodermal Lineage: A Rare Occurrence
Audrey Pais, Nagesh Undare, Alish Mehta, Abhaya Gupta, Shahaji Deshmukh, Paras Kothari, Urmi Vartak
Published: July 9, 2024 | 82 111
DOI: 10.36347/sasjs.2024.v10i07.011
Pages: 791-793
Introduction: The term “choristoma” is referred to a tumor like mass consisting of normal cells in an abnormal location. It is a benign entity like hamartoma. A hamartoma can be distinguished by presence of overgrowth of cells forming tumor at its normal site. Different histological forms of choristomas are identified but there hasn’t been a thorough classification system yet. The various choristomas identified are gastric mucosal, cartilaginous, osseous, lingual thyroid, lingual sebaceous, Glial, Salivary gland choristoma. Case: We report a 3 month old who presented with an intraoral swelling over right side of floor of mouth extending into right submandibular region since birth, gradually growing in size. Clinically diagnosed as plunging ranula for which excision was done via submandibular approach. In view of post op increase in size of lesion and histopathology report suggestive of enteric duplication cyst, redo surgery was planned and intraoral excision of entire mass done. Final histopathology report confirmed choristoma of oral cavity consisting of ileal mucosa, gastric mucosa, pancreatic cells. Conclusion: Oral cavity choristoma consisting of pancreatic, gastric and ileal mucosa (Endodermal cell line) together hasn’t been yet reported. Rare and misdiagnosis is common.