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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-10 | Issue-07
Ileo-Ileal Invagination Secondary to a Fibrom: About 01 Cases
Doumbia A, Daou M B, Coulibaly Y, Amadou I, Coulibaly O, Kamate B, Djire M K
Published: July 15, 2024 |
DOI: 10.36347/sasjs.2024.v10i07.015
Pages: 809-812
Introduction: Acute intestinal intussusception secondary to an isolated local lesion (Meckel's diverticulum, a benign or malignant tumor, etc.), forming part of a more general pathology of the digestive tract (rheumatoid purpura, cystic fibrosis, etc.) or occurring in a particular context (Acute postoperative intestinal intussusception, chemotherapy, etc.). Observation: 15-year-old child, male, without known ATCD, admitted for occlusive syndrome which had been evolving for 5 days before his admission marked by diffuse abdominal pain associated with early postprandial vomiting of food type then bilious, with cessation of matter and gas. On clinical examination, he presented an altered general condition, afebrile at 37°5, the abdomen was slightly distended, tympanic, tender, without palpable mass. The rectal bulb was empty on rectal examination, with no signs of rectal bleeding. The ionogram was disturbed with hypokalemia and hyponatremia with white blood cells at 15,000. CT revealed a rounded image with small bowel distention, digestive thickening and moderate effusion. The child benefited from resuscitation measures to correct hydro-electrolyte disorders before the operating room. Exploration found ileo-ileal intussusception, with necrosis of the ileal loops 15 cm from the Bauhin valve, with the presence of a hyperemic nodular mass. A resection of the necrotic ileal loops removing the hyperaemic nodular mass, with creation of an end-to-end small intestine anastomosis. The piece was sent to the laboratory for a histopathological study, which came back in favor of a benign mesenchymal tumor whose histological and immunohistochemical appearance was compatible with a fibroma. After 01 year, the evolution was favorable. Conclusion: Ileo-ileal intussusception secondary to a fibroma is rare. Nonspecific symptoms make diagnosis difficult. Treatment is based on surgery.