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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-12 | Issue-06
Prevalence of Bovine Fasciolosis with Fasciola Hepatica in the M'pila Slaughter Areas of Congo Brazzaville
Missoko Mabeki Richard, Ekou Dora Chérita, Mopoundza Paul, Nguie Ruben, Parisse Akouango
Published: July 9, 2024 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2024.v12i06.003
Pages: 145-152
Fasciolosis is a hepatobiliary dystomatosis due to the migration into the liver parenchyma of immature form of parasites called fasciola hepatica or liver fluke. It is a cosmopolitan disease which represents economic and health problems whose diagnosis is rarely made, it is usually a discovery at the slaughterhouse. It mainly affects animals and sometimes humans. It is in this context that this study was carried out at two slaughterhouses in Mpila in order to determine the prevalence of bovine fasciolosis according to breeds, age, sex, origin and slaughter sector. The liver incision technique to search for flukes was carried out on 356 cattle. The results of the analysis carried out on 356 cattle including 134 infested cattle showed a prevalence of 37.64%. Furthermore, the highest prevalence was observed among mixed race people, a rate of 53.84%. Thus, cattle aged over 4 years were the most exposed to this pathology. Our results show that fasciolosis is a reality in the slaughter areas of Brazzaville. Monitoring of this pathology must be carried out to protect the health of our animals and that of humans.