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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-12 | Issue-08
Angiodysplasias of the Small Intestine: What is the Contribution of Video-Capsule Endoscopy?
A. Mouffak, Z. Tammouch, M. Salihoun, I. Serraj, M. Acharki, N. Kabbaj
Published: Aug. 7, 2024 |
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36347/sjams.2024.v12i08.001
Pages: 915-919
Introduction: Most angiodysplasias are found in the small bowel and are responsible for 50-60% of gastrointestinal bleeding and iron-deficiency anemia, particularly in patients aged over 60 years. The aim of this study is to evaluate the contribution of VCE in the diagnosis of angiodysplasia in patients with unexplained iron-deficiency anemia. Materials and Methods: This is a descriptive monocentric study from June 2018 to June 2024, including patients referred for unexplained iron deficiency anemia without gastrointestinal bleeding and explored by VCE type PillCam® SB3 and Capsocam. All our patients underwent a clinico-biological examination, upper and lower endoscopy with biopsies, for which the results were negative. Results: From a total of 161 patients who underwent VCE; 50 (31,05 %) were referred forf evaluation of unexplained iron deficiency anemia. the average age was 56.21 years, with a female predominance (sex ratio: 1.4). 42% of patients were hypertensive, 32 % were diabetic, 24 % were taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), 4% had Crohn's disease, 2 % had celiac disease and 2% had portal hypertension. 18 % of patients had capsule retention factors, dominated by abdominopelvic surgery in 14,57 % of cases. the mean hemoglobin level was 6.9 g/dl (range 3 – 10 g/dL). The mean ferritin level was 5,1 ng/dL (range 1.5 – 16 ng/dL). VCE found vascular lesions in 70 % of cases, dominated by angiodysplasias in 58 % of cases, red spots were noted in 4 cases (8.3%), phlebectasias in 3 cases (6.25%). We also reported 1 case of vascular ectasia, small intestine varices and portal hypertension enteropathy. It's important to note that a patient may present with several types of lesions. The distribution of lesions according to location was duodenal in 19% of cases, jejunal in 51% of cases, ileal in 30% of cases. Conclusion: according to our study, female gender, elderly age and low hemoglobin levels probably increase the risk of angiodysplasia diagnosis.