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SAS Journal of Medicine | Volume-10 | Issue-08
Clinical and Epidemiological Profile of Deep Second Degree Burn Patients Treated with Platelet Lysate
Dembélé B, Niaré F, Daou M B, Jenny Teresa Sera García, Haïdara T M, Alí Pérez N, Robinson Rodríguez R J, Dembélé B T, Franco Mora M C
Published: Aug. 9, 2024 |
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36347/sasjm.2024.v10i08.007
Pages: 741-747
The wound healing process in burn victims is still a problem today despite the advances made in the management of these patients with the different resuscitation regimens, the advent of antibiotic therapy as well as the different local treatments used. The local application of a high concentration of growth factor through the use of halogenic platelet concentrates lyzed by freezing- thawing has been done in the past with the aim of accelerating the healing process of the various wounds. The aim of this work is to describe Clinical and epidemiological profile of deep second degree burn patients treated with platelet lysate. A longitudinal and prospective study was carried out in 30 adult patients with deep second-degree burns with boiling water with a burned body surface area ≤ 5%, treated locally with allogeneic platelet
lysate in the Burn centre and Plastic Surgery Service of the General Hospital “Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso” in Santiago de Cuba, during the period of February 2015 to February 2016.A total of 30 adult patients have been studied. The mean age was 33.93. Female sex predominated with a male/female ratio of 1/2. The most frequent location of burns was in the lower limbs accounting for 36.6% of patients, followed by the upper limbs and anterior trunk at 26.7% in both cases. For the study group, the epitelization time was less than 21 days and in the majority of cases (66.7%) this time was 7-13 days. Non-relevant side effects were observed in 80% of patients and included pruritus (50%), perilesional erythema (8.3%) and pain in 29.2% of patients. Apart from these side effects, no complications have been observed in our patients. The promising results reported in this study and in the literature warn that platelet lysate may become a potential therapeutic candidate for deep second- degree burns from boiling water.