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SAS Journal of Medicine | Volume-10 | Issue-08
Evaluation of the Essential Community Care (ECC) Strategy in the Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses 0-59 Months in the Diamarabougou Health Area in the Markala Health District from January to December 2018
Mohamed Diabaté, Aboubacar Sangaré, Intimbeye Tembine, Dao Karim, Bréhima Boly Berthé, Lassine Boubacar Modibo Doumbia, Fatoumata Keita
Published: Aug. 17, 2024 |
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36347/sasjm.2024.v10i08.014
Pages: 779-784
Summary: Following to summary an analysis of the situation of the community relays by the department (Ministry) of Health in 2008 and the holding of the national forum on the "Improving Access to Essential Care in the Community (SEC)", it has been decided in Mali to harmonize the community approaches and to put the emphasis on curative aspects (malaria, diarrhea, acute respiratory infections, etc.). The strategy aims to increase the coverage and access to curative, preventive and promotional services within the community and in households. Objective: Evaluate the implementation of the SEC strategy in the Diamarabougou health area in the Markala health district. Methods and Materials: This is a cross-sectional, quantitative and qualitative study of a descriptive type. Which took place from December 10, 2018 to January 9, 2019. the study population is made up of Community Health Agents (ASC), mothers or child caretakers, Technical Directors of the Health Center, Health Information System managers, ASC focal points and members of the Community Health Association (ASACO) of the health area. WHO three-stage cluster sampling was used to select mothers of children in the villages. Results: We found that malaria and diarrhea are the diseases best known by communities with 96.3% and 84.8% respectively. 91.6% of parents reported having sought care for their children under 5 years old in the event of illness compared to 8.4% who did not seek any care at all. Self-medication is the first recourse to care for the population of Diamarabougou in the event of illness in children aged 0-5 years with a rate of 33%. It is followed by the community center health and the ASC with 29% and 24 respectively. % of cases. 93.7% of those interviewed admitted to having had access to the services of the Community Health Agent without difficulty compared to 6.3%. Following our investigation, it appears that all the Community Health Workers interviewed are perfectly aware of the precise ........