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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-4 | Issue-06
The use of waste cacao (Theobroma cacao L) fermentation as a substitute for forage to cattle sheep performance
Fridarti, N. Jamarun, M. Zain, R.W.S.Ningrat
Published: June 30, 2017 | 115 116
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2017.v04i06.003
Pages: 230-235
Abstract: The purpose of the study is to see the performance of sheep by the leaves and rind cacao fruit fermented in terms of nutrition. Research Hypothesis: Increased development of sheep by the leaves and cacao rind fruit fermented in terms of the nutrition. Benefits of Research: The results of this study can reduce the waste problem cacao can be used as the building blocks for livestock rations ruminasia by breeders. Material and Methods: This study used sheep as much as 16 tails whose age 6-12 months, the sheep will be sorted by weight, ration treatment consisted of four, namely; A = Concentrate + forage (40: 60), B = Concentrate 40% + Grass 30% + cacao leaves fermentation (CLF) 30%, C = Concentrate 40% + Grass 30% + skin cacao fruit fermentation(CFF) 30%, D = Concentrate 40% + Grass 30% + CLF 15% + CFF 15%. Variable research is weight gain, consumption of Dry Matter (DM), crude protein, crude fiber, feed efficientio, nitrogen retention .The results of the study are increasing weight of sheep ranged from 56.052 to 71.315 g / head / day with Dry matter consumption ranged from 289.78 to 359.00, from 45.85 to 55.36 g crude Protein(CP), 43.75 - 57.78 g crude fiber(CF), and feed efficientio ranged 19,220 - 20,469%, nitrogen retention 3,304 - 4,165, ratio efficientio protein 1,215 - 1,284The conclusion: The leaves and rind cacao fermented fruit can replace 50% forage and increase the performance of sheep were significantly (P <0.01).