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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-4 | Issue-08
Abilities of Brown Planthopper Immigrant Transmits Rice Ragged Stunt Virus on Rice of Some District of Java-Indonesia
Baehaki S.E, Eko Hari Iswanto, Dede Munawar, Yoo-Han Song, I.R. Choi, Hong-Hyun Park
Published: Aug. 30, 2017 | 117 115
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2017.v04i08.002
Pages: 300-310
Abstract: The research was carried out in the WS 2009/2010 up to WS 2011/2012 divided to three activities: Monitoring of population of brown planthopper (BPH) and symptom of rice ragged stunt virus (RRSV), the abilities of BPH immigrant macropterous and BPH nymph viruliferous transmits RRSV. The results showed that the BPH and RRSV attack rice plant in Java almost two years respectively due to planted of susceptible rice varieties, resistance rice varieties had broken down, failure of insecticides used, and the suitable of meteorological factors. IR64, Ciherang, and Inpari 1 as vulnerable varieties to RRSV and a good source of viral disease inoculums showed disease incident between 86.7 up to 94.4%. The highest, moderate, and the lowest BPH population was on IR64, Inpari 1 and Ciherang varieties respectively, although RRSV symptom insignificance different to each others. Abilities of BPH immigrant macropterous and nymphs viruliferous transmits RRSV depend on existence of inoculums and origin of BPH. BPH from Klaten and Demak transmit RRSV with the symptom were 90% and BPH from Subang, Pati, Pemalang, Grobogan, Sukohardjo, Sragen, and Solo transmits RRSV with the symptom were 45-70% , and the lowest by BPH from Karawang. In the other hand BPH immigrant viruliferous still produce progeny viruliferous that had been able to transmits RRSV with low symptom.