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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-4 | Issue-09
Constraints of Thermostable Newcastle Disease Vaccine Usage among Selected Poultry Production Stakeholders in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria
Isegbe EI , Alonge GO, Unigwe RC, Owolade EA, Anoh KU, Oloyede R.
Published: Sept. 30, 2017 | 113 112
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2017.v04i09.005
Pages: 350-355
The study investigated the constraints associated with thermostable Newcastle disease vaccine usage among selected poultry production stakeholders in Ibadan metropolis, Oyo State, Nigeria. Multistage sampling technique was used in the selection of sample size; first stage involved the use of stratified sampling technique while the second stage involves the use of proportionate percentage allocation to get a sample size of 116 respondents. The result was analyzed using descriptive statistics and ppmc. The results revealed that 80.2% of the respondents were males, 86.2% between the age ranges of 20-40 years, 78.4% of the respondents had practiced for Ten years or less. The results also revealed that 86.2% of the poultry production stakeholders are not generally aware of the existence of thermostable Newcastle disease vaccine and 87.1% had no knowledge of the best route for administering the vaccine. The result further shows that the major constraints to thermostable Newcastle disease vaccine usage in the study area was the lack of awareness by poultry production stakeholders on its existence, ranked 1st with a mean value of 3.37; followed by lack of in-service training of poultry production stakeholders ranked 2nd with a mean value of 3.34. Hypothesis testing revealed that there was a significant relationship between years of experience of respondents and their level of awareness of thermostable Newcastle disease vaccine at (p>0.05). It is recommended that in-service training be conducted and funded by employers of poultry production stakeholders in the form of workshops, short courses, seminars, symposia, working visits etc to get them updated on the significance and administration of thermostable Newcastle disease vaccine. Extension service should create awareness on the importance and use of thermostable Newcastle disease vaccine through radio and television programs in addition to general enlightment campaigns directed at poultry farmers and poultry production