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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-4 | Issue-09
Diversity and trophic structure of birds in forest fragments in the metropolitan area of São Paulo, Brazil
Fabio Rossano Dario
Published: Sept. 30, 2017 | 115 113
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2017.v04i09.007
Pages: 364-373
The diversity of birds is directly correlated with the structure of the forest. The fragmentation of forest, i.e., the disruption in the continuity of forest habitat cover can cause impacts on bird’s abundance, species richness, and community dynamics. Any interference with the vegetation produces direct effects on the avifauna through the increase, decrease, or alternation of two key attributes: food and shelter. So, the composition of life in the forest is altered as changes occur in vegetation that directly interferes with the population structure of the avifauna, being those changes natural or anthropic. This study was realized in forest fragments of Atlantic Forest in a metropolitan area of São Paulo, Brazil, to analyze the groups of birds that were affected by the forest fragmentation in different stages of ecological succession and the results showed alterations in the diversity and density of bird’s species, principally among specialist species.