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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-4 | Issue-09
Sericulture in Turkey
Orhan Yilmaz
Published: Sept. 30, 2017 | 114 113
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2017.v04i09.008
Pages: 374-376
The aim of this paper is to review sericulture in Turkey. Sericulture which gave the name The Silk Road to the old world’s trade routes between east and west has an important role at financial activities for centuries. Sericulture production was begun in Anatolia which is Asian part of Turkey in A.D. 552 during Byzantium Emperor of Justinianus. The city of Bursa became a textile city which was famous for silk and silk trade centre. In middle of 16th century silk textile industry was developed. Apart from city of Bursa, cities of Istanbul, Edirne, Amasya, Denizli, Izmir and Konya were important sericulture centers. Bursa was the important city where silkworm egg and cocoon were produced; silk and velvet were woven by hand and exported to the Europe in the period of Ottoman Empire. Sericulture has begun at the same period in Amasya that is one of the Ottoman cities. Sericulture and cocoon cultivating were made in Mugla the city has eligible climate condition to cultivate mulberry. In Turkey the silk was woven by using simple bench as a family work.