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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-4 | Issue-10
Body Measurements and Carcass Characteristics of Aged Buck Grasscutter in (Thryonomys swinderianus) Captivity
Alamuoye OF
Published: Oct. 30, 2017 | 113 114
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2017.v04i10.001
Pages: 377-381
Linear body measurements and carcass characteristics of four buck grasscutters of three years old of average body weight of 4462.5±425g were investigated. The linear body measurements revealed the mean body length of 54.25±3.70cm, the colon with rectum had the longest linear body measurement value of 201.25± 8.5cm and the least measurement of 0.34±1.0cm obtained for skin thickness. The indices showed that the body length was 200.9% of dressed carcass length. Average dressing percentage was 66.22±0.80%. The study revealed the leg to be highest cut-part (39.45±5.69%) and the rib had the least value of 11.06±0.66% of live body weight. Among dissected cut-parts into meat, skin and bone investigated there were no significantly (P<0.05) between loin, leg, shoulder, ribs but varied with breast,flank,shank (BSF) of chilled left halved carcass expressed as percent live body weight. The meat to bone ratio was in the order BSF>rib> shoulder> leg >loin while skin to lean was in order BSF>rib>loin>shoulder> leg.