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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-4 | Issue-11
The Roles of Predators Suppress Brown Planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stal in the Ricefields
Baehaki S.E
Published: Nov. 30, 2017 | 120 115
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2017.v04i11.003
Pages: 452-460
Research the roles of predators as natural enemies suppress brown planthopper (BPH) were conducted in two season, two varieties, and 3 locations that were at Ciasem, SHS Seed Center and Ciberes of Subang district of West Java. The results showed that the relationship of BPH and predators was influenced by differences of season, place, varieties, initial population of BPH and increased population of BPH during rice plant growth. The multiple regression equation between BPH and predators were a remarkable equation with a high coefficient of determination, although in the simple linear regression didn’t show a real relationship. The development of BPH population increased with increasing age of rice and the fastest BPH development on Pandanwangi variety in Ciberes exceeding the economic injury level. The development of predators L. pseudoannulata, Spiders, P. fuscipes, O. nigrofasciata, Coccinella, and C. lividipennis were stable in all locations, on all varieties, and at all seasons, although BPH as food were abundance. The coefficient of determination adjusted (Adj. R2) of multiple regressions between BPH with predators decrease at the BPH population increasing rapidly. On BPH development was around the economic threshold will be followed by development of predators with the coefficient of determination was the highest reaches Adj.R2 =0.7046. On BPH development exceeds of economic threshold will still be followed by development of predators, but the coefficient of determination decreased to Adj.R2 =0.6365. On the other hand of BPH development was in economic injury level or more didn’t be followed by development of predators with the coefficient of determination was the lowest up to Adj.R2 = 0.1530.