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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-4 | Issue-12
Baseline Susceptibility of Brown Planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) to Mesoionic Insecticide Triflumezopyrim of Some Rice Areas in West and Central Java of Indonesia
Baehaki S.E, Iskandar Zulkarnain, Aditya Bagus Widawan, Daniel R. Vincent, Tom Dupo, Pampapathy Gurulingappa
Published: Dec. 30, 2017 | 114 120
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2017.v04i12.009
Pages: 570-579
Issues inability of neonicotinoid and others insecticides to control of brown planthopper (BPH), Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) was suspected due to BPH had been resistant to those insecticides. To response this issues was carried out the research to evaluate rice BPH from 6 districts of West and Central Java against mesoionic triflumezopyrim (TFM) and neonicotinoid imidacloprid (IMI). The research used topical application method with probit analysis by POLO-PC. The result showed that the probits analysis of BPH to TFM and IMI were accepted to determined LD50, fiducial limit, and accurate for making probit regression model base on natural response, t-ratio, g-value and heterogeneity. Responce BPH from Subang was highly susceptible category to TFM with LD50 was 0.103 ng/g body weight and resistance ratio (RRcalculate) was 0.15-fold. BPH from Indramayu, Klaten, and Pati tend to decreased susceptibility to TFM with LD50 were 1.46-1.840 ng/g body weight and RRcalculate were 2.15-2.70-fold. BPH from Pemalang was decreased susceptibility category to TFM with LD50 was 2.687 ng/g body weight with RRcalculate was 3.95-fold. BPH from Karawang was low resistance category to TFM with LD50 was 3.730 ng/g and RRcalculate was 5.48 fold. BPH from Indramayu and Pemalang were highly susceptible to IMI with the LD50 were 91.450 and 101.346 ng/g body weight, whereas the RRcalculate were 0.83 and 0.92-fold respectively. BPH from Karawang, Subang, and Klaten tend to susceptible category to IMI with LD50 were 149.293-195.638 ng/g body weight and RRcalculate were 1.35-1.77-fold. BPH from Pati tend to decreased susceptibility to IMI with LD50 was 313.243 ng/g body weight and RRcalculate was 2.84-fold. TFM provide a low LD50 and this insecticide can be used as complementary insecticide in the field and to solve the problem BPH that had been resistant to other insecticides by a sequential release method in IPM strategies.