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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-5 | Issue-01
Observations on the Phenotyphic Characteristics and Management of Donkey in Sokoto, Northwestern Nigeria
Ahmed A, Sanusi M, Sanka JI, Sani AM
Published: Jan. 30, 2018 | 116 116
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2018.v05i01.001
Pages: 1-5
The donkey plays an important role in the socio-economic life of the rural people in the whole Africa and in northern Nigeria in particular, where it is used by the rural population for the purpose of transporting goods and agricultural products as well as humans during movements from one place to another. The study was conducted to indentify donkeys phenotypically in north western city of Sokoto as well as to look at the way and manner donkeys are managed in the area. A total of 267 donkeys were sampled comprising of 149 males (55.8%) and 118(44.2%) females. Ten breeds were ideintifed each its varying colour coat with the Eho breed being the most predominant (42.69%) followed by Auraki 72 (26.9%) and then Akaza breed which was 24 (8.9%). Significant differences (p<0.05) were observed in some of the body parameters examined – height at withers (HW), chest circumference (CC) and body weight (BW) between the breed. It was concluded that in spite of the important role of the donkey in the study area, owners do not seem to cater for their welfare and there is need for awareness to these people to take more care of their animals.