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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-5 | Issue-03
Evaluation of Physical and Cooking Property Based Grain Quality Traits in Popular Rice (Oryza sativa L) Cultivars of Bangladesh
Saika Anne, Shaiful Islam, Md. Anwarul Haque, Sharif Ar Raffi
Published: March 30, 2018 | 121 112
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2018.v05i03.008
Pages: 172-178
Rice grain is consumed as main staple food in many areas of the world. Therefore, grain physical and cooking properties are very important for consumers as well as producers. A study was conducted with 21 rice cultivars comprising 10 from Aman season, 10 from Boro season and one from Aus season to evaluate the pattern of variation and performances based on grain quality traits. All the physical and cooking quality traits considered differed significantly among the cultivars (P<0.01). Performance range of quality parameters were found as 6.18 to 9.91 mm for rough rice length, 1.16 to 3.31 mm for rough rice breadth, 4.21 to 7.27 mm for brown rice length, 1.50 to 2.59 mm for brown rice breadth, 3.08 to 6.69 mm for milled rice length (L1), 1.05 to 2.61 mm for milled rice breadth (B1), 5.59 to 9.77 mm for cooked rice length (L2), 2.50 to 3.81 mm for cooked rice breadth (B2), 1.26 to 1.72 for grain elongation ratio (L2/L1), 2.05 to 5.04 for grain length and breadth ratio before cooking (L1/B1), 2.01 to 3.72 for grain length and breadth ratio after cooking (L2/B2). Milling outturn %, and head rice recovery (%) were ranged between 65 to 82.52% and 36.60 to 71.03 % respectively, which indicate the grading category that is suitable for selection. Only one rice cultivar (BRRI Dhan50) was found as 100% translucent. The lower percentage of grain chalkiness is desirable which is useful for grain quality improvement in rice breeding programs. Based on the standards followed for quality rice production, BRRI Dhan50 was found to have most of the desirable grain quality traits, followed by BRRI Dhan67, BRRI Dhan38 and Binadhan-16. The comparative information about physical and cooking qualities of rice might be used as reference to develop high grain quality rice cultivars in future.