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Ghana Alternative Medicine Journal | Volume-5 | Issue-03 Call for paper
Histological Characterization of the Retina and Pecten Oculi of Brown Pigeon (Zenaida macroura)
Rajaa Ali Moheiseen Al-Taee, Amel Ali Al-Taee, Muna Hussain AL-Aameli, Zaytoon Abdulrida Ighewish Al-Khafaji
Published: Aug. 30, 2024 | 60 46
Pages: 75-78
Aim: The pecten oculi had important functional significances for retina nutrition. Objective: The present study intends to shed some light on few arterial and venous circulations which reached the eye, constructional histological formation of retina along with a pecten oculi in brown pigeon. Material and methods: Adult pigeon eyeballs were used for this study (anatomy of the retina and pecten oculi). The tissue was fixed in 10 % formalin and embedded. Conventional histological methods were used to examine the specimens. Conclusion: The pecten oculi consists of three parts - an optic disk-based base; fan-shaped pleats; and a bridge. The histological component of brown pigeon’ pecten oculi are: pigment cells, vessels of blood and lymphatic vessels. Retina composed of 10 layers, the inner nuclear layer is the largest one as in other birds.