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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-12 | Issue-09
An Examination on the Challenges Faced by Graduates from Higher Education Institutions with Regards to Student Loan Repayment Strategy in Eswatini (2013-2018)
Thembisile Glory Mdluli, Dr. Webster Chihambakwe
Published: Sept. 5, 2024 |
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36347/sjahss.2024.v12i09.002
Pages: 251-254
The study sought to examine on the challenges faced by graduates from higher education institutions with regards to student loan repayment strategy in Eswatini (2013 – 2018). The researcher used the mixed methodology where face to face interviews, questionnaires and document analysis were the research instruments in the generation/collection of data. A representative sample of one hundred (100) participants were used in the study. Sampling techniques used were purposive and convenience. Findings from the study revealed that there were challenges which included the high-interest rates, lack of employment opportunities, inadequate financial literacy, and economic hardships. These challenges hindered the graduates to adhere on the loan repayment strategy as articulated by the government of Eswatini. Recommendations from the study were that there is need to adequately put measures in place on Loan Repayment Education Programmes for Employees, Flexible Work Arrangements to Facilitate Loan Repayment and Employer-Sponsored Loan Repayment Assistance Programmes in Eswatini so that it can deliver on its mandate on loan repayments by graduates within the stipulated timeframes.