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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-10 | Issue-09
Typology of Terminal Colon at the Chu of Point G in Bamako
Diallo S, Kanté S, Sissoko M, Touré C.A.S, Kanté A, Diarra S, Traoré D
Published: Sept. 4, 2024 | 41 53
Pages: 1019-1022
Purpose: To describe the morphometric types of the terminal colon. Patients and Methods: This was an anatomical study by laparotomy for the terminal colon on 7 living subjects and by anatomical dissection on 8 fresh cadaveric subjects in the department of surgery B of the CHU of Point G and in the anatomy laboratory of the faculties of medicine of odonto-stomatology (FMOS) and pharmacy (FAPH) of Bamako from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2019 or 2 years. Patients without a mass on the terminal recto-colonic junction or volvulus of the terminal colon or abdominopelvic mass on the terminal colon and fresh cadavers declared unknown without a laparotomy scar coming from Bamako University Hospitals or Reference Centers (CS Réf) were included in this study. Results: We investigated 15 cases, including 7 live cases and 8 cadavers. Males accounted for 60% (n=9) and females 40% (n=6), i.e. a sex ratio of 1.5. Mean age was 47.14 ±15.57 years. The mean length of the terminal colon was 41.79 cm±13.37. The mean length of the terminal mesocolon was 11.18 cm. The maximum height of the terminal mesocolon averaged 10.70 cm ± 3.61 cm. There were 46.72% (n=7) medium-form cases, 33.30% (n=5) short-form cases and 19.98% (n=3) long-form cases. Conclusion: The terminal colon can be short, medium or long, depending on its length and the height of its meso.