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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-7 | Issue-03
Social Thought of Jaina
Dr. Nagamony PS*
Published: March 30, 2019 | 119 120
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2019.v07i03.007
Pages: 150-151
Jain thinkers developed a social philosophy which aimed at salvation by upholding vows of dharma and ahimsa as the two means for attaining it. Among the Jain seers, the 24th and the last Thirthankara called Mahavira or Vardhamana had contributed greatly towards removing social inequality during his time. Jain social philosophy prescribed ethical codes of five vows or Panchvratas for man in his life as a householder and as an ascetic for the purpose of spiritual salvation. In formulating these cardinal principles for attaining salvation, the intention of the Jain thinker was the establishment of a well orchestrated social life to cultivate self discipline and character moulding, steps towards salvation. Jain thinkers were also not reluctant to provide opportunities for both male householders (Shravakas) and female householders (shravikas) in their individual as well as social life.