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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-7 | Issue-03
An Examination of the Pedestrians’ Status of Awareness at Disaster Events
Chamali Hewawasam*, Hansini Uthpala, Pupuli Rathnamalala
Published: March 30, 2019 | 125 130
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2019.v07i03.014
Pages: 187-190
The objectives of this research are to understand pedestrian’s behaviour at a disaster event, to find out pedestrian’s priorities in a disaster event and to identify important pedestrian facilities for disaster events. The research is carrying out by collecting primary data first from the victims and then from pedestrians at disaster events by using cards carrying out stated preferences surveys. The overall survey included different instruments, distinguished based on the attributes characterizing disasters. Each instrument considered only three or four attributes, so that respondents are able to easily comprehend and evaluate the scenarios presented to them. The hypothetical disaster occurrence scenarios within each instrument generate by varying the levels of the attributes specific to that instrument. A statistical analysis of experienced event and an experimental design for the hypothetical events were carried out. The results highlighted that pedestrian have no idea when faced by an unfamiliar disaster event. Lack of awareness need to be strengthened to minimize adverse effects from the disaster event. This research helps decision makers to understand the most important factors to be considered when providing pedestrian facilities at the area.