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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-7 | Issue-05
Cyberloafing in the Workplace: A By-Product of Perceived Workplace Incivility and Perceived Workers’ Frustration
Chine Bernard C.*Etodike, Chukwuemeka E & Joe-Akunne, Chiamaka O. Ph.D
Published: May 22, 2019 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2019.v07i05.002
Pages: 318–323
This study explored the predictive influence of perceived workplace incivility and perceived workers’ frustration on cyber-loafing behaviour of Anambra State civil servants. Three hundred and twenty-seven (327) civil servants of Anambra state civil service served as participants in the study. The participants were 146 males and 181 females. The age of the participants ranged from 25 to 57 years, with a mean age of 41 years and standard deviation of 3.50yrs. The participants were selected through simple random sampling technique. Instruments for the data collection were: incivility scale by O’Reilly (1982), organizational frustration scale by Spector (1975), and cyber-loafing questionnaire by Li and Chung (2006). Being a survey study, predictive design and multiple regression analysis was adopted as design and statistical tool for analysis respectively. After analysis, the statistical evidence indicated that perceived workplace incivility significantly predicted cyber-loafing among civil servants at α = .40, p < .05 (n=327); thus, hypothesis I was confirmed. Also, findings indicated that perceived workers’ frustration significantly predicted cyber-loafing among civil servants at α = .54, p < .05 (n=327); hypothesis II was confirmed equally. The finding implicated unhealthy member-member exchange in the workplace as well as adverse workplace climate which impede employees’ goals. It is recommended in view of the dangers of these implications that organizations create enabling climate for members’ rapport and cooperation and policies seeking to promote the welfare of the workforce rather than those which frustrate workers with increasing succour in cyber-loafing activities in the workplace.