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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-7 | Issue-05
Factor Analysis in Influencing Coping Mechanism to Elderly at Pacar Kembang Village Surabaya
Rini Ambarwati*, Kastubi
Published: May 30, 2019 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2019.v07i05.003
Pages: 318–323
Aging is followed by decrease in physical function and several diseases. Suffering from disease in old age will cause a dependence, helplessness, and limitations in social intercourse in the environment. This causes changes in psychosocial aspects that can cause balance disorders (homeostatic), thus, it can make the elderly underwent progressive deterioration such as confusion, panic, depression, and apathetic. This study aimed at determining the factors that influenced coping mechanism to elderly. The method of this study was correlational study that utilized cross sectional approach. Population was 105 elderlies at Pacar Kembang Village, Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia. Meanwhile, sample in this study used simple random sampling technique. Data collection was obtained by interviews through questionnaires. Data analysis used multiple logistic regression test. Moreover, the result showed that most of elderly had insufficient economic status (51%), high emotional intelligence (84%), active physical activity (66%), high self-esteem (55,%), and positive social support (75%). Besides, elderlies also had adaptive coping (78%). Based on the result of multiple logistic regression test, it was found that physical activity factor was in p value = 0.025 and self-esteem factors was in p value = 0.043. It meant that there was a significant influence between coping mechanism and elderly. Meanwhile, for economic factor, emotional intelligence and social support were found that there was no significant influence between coping mechanism and elderly. All in all, researchers suggested for the elderlies that they needed an acceptance and adaptation from self changes and they needed to optimize their potency so that they would become healthy, active, and productive elderlies.